The NATACCS natural accreditation process provides objective evidence that an organization provides a high level of qualified, natural and technical standards.

NATACCS bases its programs on internationally natural standards (NSO-NAP Series) in order to ensure worldwide acceptance of your accreditation.

The natural accreditation criteria have been developed by NATACCS. The criteria were developed by the NATACCS Natural Accreditation Committee.

Natural Product Certification Accreditation Scopes:

NSO-NAP 1 - Natural Food Product Certification
NSO-NAP 2 - Natural Food Halal Certification
NSO-NAP 3 - Eco Global Labels Certification
NSO-NAP 4 - Natural Chemical Cosmetic Certification
NSO-NAP 5 - Natural Energy Certification
NSO-NAP 6 - Natural Packaging Certification
NSO-NAP 7 - Vegan-Vegetarian Certification
NSO-NAP 7 Clause 2 - Cruelty Free Certification
NSO-NAP 9 - Azotex Natural Textile Certification
NSO-NAP 12 - Gluten Free Certification
GMP – Good Manufacturing Practices


NATACCS offers a single natural accreditation program for conformity assessment bodies providing product certification.

Testing and inspection activities are integral to operations of product certification organizations. Many companies seeking ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation also require accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 for their labs. This is also the case with ISO/IEC 17020 for inspection agencies. Our program offers combined assessments in both instances.

Both ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, and ISO/IEC 17020, Conformity assessment — Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection, are referenced in ISO/IEC 17065, Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services. Although ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17020 accreditation is not mandatory for conformance with ISO/IEC 17065, organizations attain these accreditations to reduce risk, gain competitive advantage, and increase recognition outside their current field of operation.

Natural Product Certification Accreditation Scopes:

NSO-NAP 1 - Natural Food Product Certification
NSO-NAP 2 - Natural Food Halal Certification
NSO-NAP 3 - Eco Global Labels Certification
NSO-NAP 4 - Natural Chemical Cosmetic Certification
NSO-NAP 5 - Natural Energy Certification
NSO-NAP 6 - Natural Packaging Certification
NSO-NAP 7 - Vegan-Vegetarian Certification
NSO-NAP 7 Clause 2 - Cruelty Free Certification
NSO-NAP 9 - Azotex Natural Textile Certification
NSO-NAP 12 - Gluten Free Certification
GMP – Good Manufacturing Practices